Massachusetts State Senator
Ryan C. Fattman
State House
Room 520
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: +1 617 722 1420
Email: ryan.fattman@masenate.gov

Massachusetts State Representative
John Marsi
State House
Room 33
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: +1 617 722 2060
Email: John.Marsi@mahouse.gov

Massachusetts State Representative
Paul K. Frost
State House
Room 542
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: +1 617 722 2489
Email: paul.frost@mahouse.gov

Massachusetts State Representative
Joseph D. McKenna
State House
Room 33
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: +1 617 722 2060
Email: joseph.mckenna@mahouse.gov
Each town has the Town Meeting type of government. 5 Selectmen elected annually.
(3 year terms – staggered)
The towns of Webster, Dudley and Oxford are members of the Quinebaug Shetucket Heritage Corridor.