Delivering To Our Members
A Health Care Solution

Many companies, like yours, feel trapped by the rising cost of their health insurance. You may think your options are limited. As a Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce member, we offer a unique solution that controls costs and returns the savings back to you- all while providing the quality health plans your employees deserve.
Experience cost savings by switching from fixed-cost premium insurance to our group self-funded program. Designed specifically for small to mid-size employers to deliver all the benefits of self-funding in an easily implemented turnkey solution.
Only pay for what you need.
Keep your current plan design. Or, we can design the right plan for you.
Band Together
Join with other employers to lower your risk and achieve reduced costs.
Access Your Information
Gain complete access to claims data, visibility into what’s driving your costs, and clarity on how and where your money is being spent.
Ongoing Cost Savings
We will work with you to recommend ways to save on your spending throughout the year.

Valley Insurance Partners is an independent insurance brokerage firm based in Whitinsville, Massachusetts. To learn more about Valley Insurance Partner’s captive solutions, contact Mike McMullin, P: 508-377-0235 or email: mike@valleyinsurancepartners.com.

Questions? Contact a Local Insurance Consultant

Ross. A Lavoie
Risk Consultant
300 Main Street
Oxford, MA 01540