In accordance with our ideals of awarding graduating seniors of the towns of Webster, Dudley and Oxford, the Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce will be awarding Academic Scholarships to assist students who wish to continue in their first year of accredited post secondary school education and/or Career/Trade Scholarships to assist students who wish to continue their trade. Proceeds from the Annual Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament and other fundraisers benefit these scholarships.
Applicants for both scholarships must reside in the towns of Webster, Dudley or Oxford and are current students of Bartlett High, Shepherd Hill High, Oxford High or Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School. One scholarship in either Academic or a Career/Trade will be awarded in the amount of $1,500.00 to one student from each of the above listed high schools who plan to continue their education in either a post secondary school or a trade.
Students may only submit one scholarship application.
For Webster Dudley Oxford residents only. Please review criteria to see if you meet the requirements.
In accordance with our ideals of awarding graduating seniors of the towns of Webster, Dudley and Oxford, the Webster
Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce will award scholarships to assist students who wish to continue in their first
year of accredited post secondary school education.
For Webster Dudley Oxford residents only. Please review criteria to see if you meet the requirements.
In accordance with our ideals of awarding graduating seniors of the towns of Webster, Dudley and Oxford, the Webster
Dudley Oxford Chamber of Commerce will award scholarships to assist students who wish to continue their trade.
Scholarships awarded for this application will only be solely for the purpose of purchasing tools for the trade. .
For a child of a Webster Dudley Oxford Chamber Members which includes all of their employees. The eligible student is not required to reside in the towns of Webster, Dudley or Oxford. Please review criteria to see if you meet the requirements.
The Chamber Member Scholarship is a scholarship for WDO Chamber members and their employees who have senior students continuing their education in an accredited post secondary school.